Грамматическая конструкция "глагол + to"

Грамматическая конструкция «глагол + to»

Разбираем по полочкам и узнаем как английском языке правильно используется грамматическая конструкция «глагол + частица to». Таких случаев в английской грамматике довольно много. Рассказываю как грамотно составить предложение, в котором есть глагол с последующей частичкой «to», например  decide to do / forget to do и тому подобные.

A.  Глаголы  offer; decide; hope; deserve; attempt; promise; agree; plan; aim; afford; manage; threaten; refuse; arrange; learn; forge; fail

Если за этими глаголами следует другой глагол, структура обычно выглядит как глагол + to… (инфинитив):

  • It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. = Было уже поздно, поэтому мы решили поехать домой на такси.
  • Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed to lend him some money. = Саймон оказался в сложной ситуации, поэтому я согласился одолжить ему немного денег.
  • How old were you when you learnt to drive? = Сколько тебе было лет, когда ты научился водить машину?
  • I waved to Karen but failed to attract her attention. = Я помахал Карен, но не смог привлечь ее внимания.

Обратите внимание на эти примеры с отрицанием «not to»:

  • We decided not to go out because of the weather. = Мы решили не выходить из-за погоды.
  • I promised not to be late. = Я обещал не опаздывать.

Со многими глаголами вы обычно не можете использовать «to». Например, enjoy/think/suggest

  • I enjoy dancing, (not ‘enjoy to dance’)
  • Ian suggested going to the cinema, (not ‘suggested to go’)
  • Are you thinking of buying a car? (not ‘thinking to buy

B. Как использовать «to» после глаголов: seem, appear, tend, pretend, claim.

  • They seem to have plenty of money.
  • I like George but I think he tends to talk too much.
  • Ann pretended not to see me as she passed me in the street.

Как работает continuous infinitive (to be doing) и perfect infinitive (to have done):

  • I pretended to be reading the newspaper. (= I pretended that I was reading)
  • You seem to have lost weight. (= it seems that you have lost weight)

C. Мы говорим ‘decide to do something’, ‘promise to do something’ etc.

Аналогичным образом можно сказать ‘a decision to do something’, ‘a promise to do something’ и т.п. (существительное  + to…):

  • I think his decision to give up his job was stupid.
  • George has a tendency to talk too much.

D. После «dare» мжет идти инфинитив с частицей «to» или без нее

  • I wouldn’t dare to tell him. or I wouldn’t dare tell him.

Но после «daren’t» (или dare not)  инфнитив должен идти БЕЗ «to»:

  • I daren’t tell him what happened, (not‘I daren’t to tell him’)

E. После глаголов ask;  decide;  know;  remember;  forget;  explain;  learn;  understand;  wonder  может стоять вопрос (what/whether/how etc.) + to

  • We asked    how    to get    to the station.
  • Have you decided    where    to go    for your holidays?
  • I don’t know    whether    to apply    for the job or not.
  • Do you understand    what    to do?    ‘

Еще варианты:

  • Can somebody show me how to change the film in this camera?
  • Ask Jack. He’ll tell you what to do.



1 Complete the sentences for each situation.

  1. Shall we get married?    Yes, let’s.                   They decided …to get married.
  2. Please help me.         OK.                               She agreed……………………………………….
  3. Can I carry your bag for you?  No, thanks. I can manage.    He offered………………….. …………………..
  4. Let’s meet at 8 o’clock.    OK, fine.                   They arranged …………… …………………..
  5. What’s your name?  I’m not going to tell you.    She refused ………………… …………………..

2 Complete each sentence with a suitable verb.

  1. Don’t forget …to post the letter I gave you.
  2. There was a lot of traffic but we managed …………………………………………. to the airport in time.
  3. Jill has decided not…………………………………………… a car.
  4. We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt…………………………………………… it yet.
  5. I wonder where Sue is. She promised not…………………………………………… late.
  6. We were all too afraid to speak. Nobody dared …………………………………………… anything.

3 Put the verb into the correct form, to… or -ing.

  1. When I’m tired, I enjoy watching television. It’s relaxing, (watch)
  2. It was a nice day, so we decided …………………………………. for a walk. (go)
  3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ………………………………….. for a walk? (go)
  4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind …………………………………… (wait)
  5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford ………………………………….. out very often, (go)
  6. I wish that dog would stop …………………………………… It’s driving me mad. (bark)
  7. Our neighbour threatened ………………………………….. the police if we didn’t stop the noise, (call)
  8. We were hungry, so I suggested ………………………………….. dinner early, (have)
  9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ………………………………….. the train, (miss)
  10. I’m still looking for a job but I hope ………………………………….. something soon. (find)

4 Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets.

  1. He has lost weight,                     (seem)      He seems to have lost weight,…
  2. Tom is worried about something, (appear)    Tom appears ……………………………………………….
  3. You know a lot of people,            (seem)      You……………………………………………………………….
  4. My English is getting better,         (seem)         ……………………………………………………………………….
  5. That car has broken down.          (appear)     ………………………………………………………………………..
  6. David forgets things,                   (tend)         ……………………………………………………………………….
  7. They have solved the problem,     (claim)      ………………………………………………………………………..

5 Complete each sentence using what/how/whether + one of these verbs:

do   get   go   ride   say   use

  1. Do you know how to get to John’s house?
  2. Can you show me …………………… this washing machine?
  3. Would you know ……………………….if there was a fire in the building?
  4. You’ll never forget………………………………………….. a bicycle once you have learned.
  5. I was really astonished. I didn’t know ……………………………..
  6. I’ve been invited to the party but I don’t know ……………………or not.
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