Sloppy Reporting
A last year survey found that 83 percent of the public relations directors thought that sloppiness on the part of reporters was the major reason for inaccurate stories. Reporters were also faulted for not doing their research before writing a story and not understanding the topics they were writing about.
The same criticisms are echoed by business directors. Most directors agree with the statement «If I talk to the press, I am almost invariably misquoted». Three-fourths of the respondents also agree with the statement «The knowledge base of business reporters leaves a lot to be desired». Other problems with the press, say the directors, are tendencies to sensationalize, to overemphasize the negative, and to make simplistic generalizations.
These surveys point out an important responsibility for PR-people: It is part of your job to educate top directors about how the media work and what they need to give a fair, objective story.
This education may include training directors to give a 30-second «soundbite» answer to a complex question and even how to handle aggressive reporters. At a more basic level, you have to teach executives that news reports are «first drafts of history» that occasionally get garbled or distorted as they go through several levels of personnel at a newspaper, magazine, or broadcasting station.
You also have to take into consideration that many reporters are generalists who have little or no background on the subjects they are asked to cover. When you are dealing with a reporter who is not familiar with your business or industry, you must explain the subject thoroughly and provide background material. This will help the reporter do a better job, and it gives you a reasonable chance to ensure that the story will be accurate.
background | образование, опыт |
distort | искажать |
echo | повторять |
fault smb. | обвинять к.-л., критиковать |
garble | коверкать |
generalization | обобщение |
handle smb. | обращаться с к.-л., справляться с к.-л. |
invariably | неизменно |
leave a lot to be desired | оставлять желать лучшего |
misquote | исказить ч.-л. слова |
occasionally | время от времени |
on smb’s part | co стороны к.-л. |
overemphasize | излишне подчеркивать |
sensationalize | гнаться за сенсацией |
simplistic | чрезмерно упрощенный |
sloppy | неряшливый, небрежный |
sound bite | краткая выдержка из речи, выступления, цитата, используемая в радио- и телепередачах |
survey | опрос |
thoroughly | тщательно, всесторонне |
1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:
- объективный
- честный
- иметь дело с кем-либо
- базовые знания
- обращать внимание
- основная причина чего-либо
- критические замечания
- склонность к чему-либо
- подчеркивать
- ответственность
2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following
- A very short part of a speech or statement, especially made by a politician, that is broadcast on television or the radio
- someone who answers questions
- a set of questions that you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions
- to make a mistake in reporting what someone else has said
3) Маке up a few sentences with the following words and word-combinations
- to cover a subject
- to make a generalisation
- a survey
- to provide background material
4) Translate the following sentences into Russian
- The story was sensationalized for the sole purpose of selling newspapers.
- He has a background in computer engineering.
5) Match the words which are close in their meaning
knowledge base | manage |
tendency | careless |
handle | perfectly |
sloppy | background |
thoroughly | trend |
6) Match the words having the opposite meaning
familiar | careless |
thoroughly | contradict |
occasionally | unaware |
agree | biased |
fair | regularly |
accurate | superficially |
7) Insert prepositions where necessary
for, of, on, to
- This education may include training executives to give a 30-second «sound-bide» answer_____ a complex question and even how to handle_____ agressive reporters.
- A survey found that 83 percent_____the public relations directors thought that sloppiness_____the part _____ reporters was the major reason _____ inaccurate stories.
- This will help the reporter do a better job.
8) Answer the following questions
- What did a survey find?
- Who are the same criticisms echoed by?
- How many respondents agreed with the statement «the knowledge base of business reporters leaves a lot to be desired»?
- What are other problems with the press?
- In what way can executives be educated?
- What else should also be taken into consideration to ensure that the story will be accurate?
9) Can you explain the following:
You have to teach executives that news reports are «first drafts of history» that occasionally get garbled or distorted as they go through several levels of personnel at a newspaper, magazine, or broadcasting outlet.
10) Agree or disagree:
- Other problems with the press are tendencies to sensationalize, to overemphasize the negative, and to make simplistic generalizations.
- …. many reporters are generalists who have little or no background on the multitude of subjects they are asked to cover.
Make sure to use the following expressions:
- True enough
- I’m not sure
- I quite agree
I couldn’t agree more - I’m afraid I don’t agree
Beyond all doubt - I’m not so sure
- Looks like that
11) Render the following item in English:
Лучшей политикой общения со средствами массовой информации является ваше доверие к ним. Сообщайте прессе как можно больше, даже сведения о конфиденциальных материалах, а затем оговаривайте, какие разделы нельзя публиковать и почему.
Целесообразно культивировать сбалансированный взгляд на комментарии в прессе. Популярная пресса обычно предпочитает сенсационные сообщения сообщениям о планомерном прогрессе, какое бы значение последние ни имели для процветания нации или региона. Тем не менее существует много способов обратить на себя внимание печати, если осмыслить потребности газет и других периодических изданий.
Все газеты готовы помещать не очень приятные новости, даже если они не совсем соответствуют редакционной политике или вкусу читателей. Пресса всегда будет приветствовать любую статью или заметку, содержащую элементы новостей, лишь бы этот материал был своевременным и точным.