Hard Life of Journalists
What sort of people are journalists? What qualities and qualifications do they possess? Journalism is a Hard Life If you accept the picture so often given on the movie or television screen, newspapermen are hard-bitten, rude, hat-wearing, shouting people who…
City and Crime
Crime in the city of Clio hit a 30-year low last year. «This is absolutely wonderful for our citizens, our businesses, and our visitors,» said Police Chief Louis Gates. Clio has a population of 28,000, but it has at least…
Immigration Goes Online
Thousands of immigrants who need to file papers related to immigration status, green cards, and resident cards no longer have to stand in line for hours on end. The immigration office now has a new system called Info Pass. Applicants…
A School Girl Sues Her School
Read the text A straight-A student got a C in cooking class and didn’t like it. She didn’t like it so much that her dad filed a complaint in federal court about it. He alleges that the teacher, who is…
Cameras in Police Cars
The Rockford police chief and some city officials want to install video cameras in all 100 police cars. They think this will reduce the number of lawsuits filed against the city. In the last five years, Rockford has paid out…
Au revoir to long lunch
1. Fill the gaps using these key words from the text tradition skip aperitif baguette discount bankruptcy trade union go bust consumer dessert __________________ is a situation in which a company formally admits it has no money and cannot pay…
Obama inauguration
Barack Hussein Obama today became 44th president of the United States of America in front of quite possibly the largest crowd of people ever in one place for a single political moment. As many as two million people in Washington’s…
New York store gives away goods for free
Every day for the past few months thousands of people have crowded into the narrow streets of downtown Manhattan. Some people describe them as ‘disaster tourists’ because they have come to look at Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11…
UN says eat less meat
1. Key words Fill the gaps in the sentences using these key words from the text consumption simplistic contradictory livestock habitat emission guidelines benefit regulate reduce An ____________________ is a substance, especially a gas, which goes into the air. If…
Всемирные новости на уроке английского
Что самое очевидное и простое может произойти на уроке английского в ответ на те или иные сообщения с новостных лент? Конечно, учитель может обсудить со студентами проблемы и результаты событий. В таких разговорах отдайте ведущую роль своим ученикам, оставляя для…