Advertising Vocabulary
English | Russian |
Description |
Advertising agency | Рекламное агентство | Marketing services firm that assists companies in planning advertisements |
AIDA | Attention, Interest, Desire, Action — the aim of all advertising | |
Benefit | Advantage of a product or service | |
Billboard | Signboard for advertising posters | |
Campaign | Organized course or plan of action | |
Circulation | Average number of copies of newspapers or magazines sold over a period of time | |
Classified ads | Small advertisements in newspapers or magazines, divided into categories. | |
Commercial | Advertisement on radio or TV | |
Coupon | Part of a printed advertisement to be used to order goods or samples | |
Direct mail | Advertisement sent by post to prospective customers | |
Double-page spread | Advertisement printed across two pages in a newspaper or magazine | |
Eye-catcher | Something that particularly attracts one’s attention | |
Features | Special characteristics of a product | |
Generic advertising | Advertising for a whole sector, such as tourism, rather than a specific product | |
Hoarding | Wooden structure, or signboard, used to carry advertisements | |
Hype | Excessive or intensive publicity; exaggerated claims made in advertising. | |
Jingle | Catchy tune, with a short simple rhyme, used to promote a product. | |
Key words | Informative words chosen to indicate the content of a document | |
Launch | To start an action in order to introduce something (e.g. a new product) | |
Mailshot | Piece of advertising material sent to potential customers by post | |
Mass media | The main means of mass communication (newspapers, TV & radio) | |
Plug | Favourable publicity in the media for a commercial product (e.g. a book) | |
Poster | Large sheet of paper used in advertising | |
Prime time | Hours on radio & TV with the largest audience, usually the evening | |
Promote | Use advertising and publicity to try to increase sales of a product | |
Roadside signs | Large panels along roads and motorways used for outdoor advertising. | |
Slogan | Phrase used to advertise a product, or to identify a company or organization. | |
Slot | Specific time in a broadcasting schedule allotted for a commercial | |
Spam | Unsolicited advertising sent through the internet as an email message | |
Spot | Position of a commercial in a radio programme or TV schedule. | |
Target | Objective; what is aimed at | |
U.S.P. | Unique Selling Proposition; a declaration of what makes a product different | |
Write copy | Write a text to be printed or spoken in an advertisement or a commercial. |