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Second page articles

The major attribute leading to success in this endeavor is perseverance


Op-ed articles should be submitted to the editor of a newspaper. The writer should provide sufficient biographical data so that the editor will have some basis for judging the author’s credentials.

For example, who has better credentials for writing an article on the need for better child care facilities than the mother and/or father of preschool children? And an article on government (or banking) bureaucratic red tape could gain impact when written by a victim of such practices.

Most local newspapers accept essays by outside writers, especially local residents. In addition, more and more magazines are using «opinion-type» articles.

Newspaper editors will usually take a couple of weeks to accept or reject an article. Submit an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) if you wish to receive a reply. If your article is used, the headline writer will give it a catchier title when it’s published, and the editor may make some light changes and adjust the length (usually by deleting paragraphs).

Don’t query the editor on whether the paper would be interested. Undoubtedly he or she will say, «Send it in and we’ll take a look at it».


With a little thought, writers should be able to identify many opportunities to use op-ed articles. Here are some examples.

  • Write an article on something that you are more expert on than anyone else, sharing with us something we don’t already know. For example, where does a computer software expert get ideas for new programs?
  • If you have just completed some detailed research that sheds new light on a problem, write it up for the «lay» public.
  • If you belong to an organization and want to advance its cause, give us reasons why we should share your views or objectives.
  • A well-written, sensitive piece on any subject will be accepted over the flood of stuff that editors receive after a major event.

The major attribute leading to success in this endeavor is perseverance. If an article is not accepted by one paper, rewrite the article and submit it to a paper that turned it down before. Shorten a long article and submit it again. If one subject doesn’t work, shift to another.

Trade editors like these articles because highly credible people discuss important issues and trends in the industry. At the same time, the author and company get recognition. Again, op-ed articles are a means and not an end. The ultimate objective is to position the organization as a leader in the field.


advance smth. продвинуть ч.-л.
attribute отличительная черта, качество, свойство
catchy броский, легко запоминающийся
child care facilities детские учреждения
credentials полномочия
delete вычеркивать
endeavor попытка, старание, усилие
flood of stuff поток низкокачественной информации
gain impact оказать воздействие
guidelines указания
lay непрофессиональный
a means to an end средство для достижения цели
perseverance упорство
red tape бюрократический
query допытываться, дознаваться
share smth. with smb. делиться с к.-л. ч.-л.
shed new light on smth. пролить свет на ч.-л.
shift to smth. переключиться на
submit представлять на рассмотрение
temperate сдержанный
ultimate конечный
victim жертва
write up описать подробно


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in your own sentences

  1. местные жители
  2. конечная цель
  3. дети дошкольного возраста
  4. добиться признания
  5. конверт с обратным адресом и маркой
  6. внести небольшие изменения
  7. быть специалистом в чем-либо
  8. программист
  9. ведущий к успеху
  10. сохранить размер статьи.

2) Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following

  1. someone’s education, achievements, experience etc., that prove that they have the ability to do something
  2. official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily
  3. easy to remember and nice to listen to
  4. not trained or knowing much about a particular profession or subject
  5. to do something that will help you achieve an advantage or success
  6. an attempt or effort to do something new or different
  7. determination to keep trying to achieve something in spite of difficulties

3) Match the words. Use them in the sentences of your own

ultimate children
local public
preschool objective
child care residents

4) Translate the following sentences

  1. US companies fear the red tape will scare off customers.
  2. To the lay observer, these technical terms are incomprehensible.
  3. Our main goal has to be to advance the nation’s economic interests.
  4. The captain praised his men’s courage and perseverance in dealing with a very dangerous situation.
  5. We need a catchy advertising slogan.
  6. Not one of the customers queried liked the service.

5) Match the words which are close in their meaning

to query amateur
to advance to remove
endeavor to accelerate
to delete to interrogate
lay strive

6) Match the words having the opposite meaning

to turn down professional
to delete to halt
lay laziness
to advance to insert
perseverance to accept

7)    Complete the following sentences

endeavor; biographical data; a victim; submitted; red tape; query; gain impact; perseverance

  1. Op-ed articles should be_____to the editor of a newspaper.
  2. The writer should provide sufficient_____.
  3. An article on government bureaucreatic_____could_____when written by a_____of such practices.
  4. Don’t_____the editor whether the paper would be interested.
  5. The major attribute leading to success in this_____is_____.

8)    Insert prepositions, where necessary

on; in; at; for; to; down

  1. to be an expert_____smth.
  2. to query_____smb.
  3. to shed new light_____smth.
  4. an article_____smth.
  5. to lead_____smth.
  6. _____addition
  7. to turn smth. _____.
  8. to take a look_____smth.
  9. to shift_____smth.
  10. to have some basis_____smth.

9)    Write these words with correct negative prefixes

in-; un-; dis-

  1. sufficient
  2. interested
  3. credible
  4. important
  5. stamped.

10)    Answer the following questions

  1. Why should the writer of an op-ed article provide sufficient biographical data?
  2. Who can have good credentials for writing an article on the need for better child care facilities?
  3. How long do newspaper editors usually take to accept or reject an article?
  4. Why shouldn’t the writer query the editor on whether the paper would be interested?
  5. What are the tips for writing an op-ed article?
  6. The major attribute leading to success is perseverance, isn’t it? Why?

11)    Can you explain the following statements?

  1. A well-written piece on any subject will be accepted over the flood of stuff that editors receive after a major event.
  2. Op-ed articles are a means and not an end.

12)    Agree or disagree?

  1. Write an article on something that you are more expert on than anyone else, sharing with us something we don’t already know.
  2. If an article is not accepted by one paper, rewrite the article and submit it to a paper that turned it down before. Shorten a long article and submit it again. If one subject doesn’t work, shift to another.

13) Translate the following item into Russian


In an ideal world news coverage would always be objective, factual, and accurate. Unfortunately, it is not an ideal world, and journalists do make errors of fact and interpretation.It is quite likely that you or your employer will, on occasion, have complaints about inaccurate and unfair news coverage. If this happens, there are several steps you can take.

Ascertain the facts

Analyze the offending article or broadcast news segment. What exactly is inaccurate, incomplete, or unfair about it? If it is a matter of not liking the tone of a story because it implied (rightly or wrongly) that something was amiss, there probably isn’t much you can do about it. If it’s a matter of inaccurate information or something taken out of context that distorts the truth, you should document the correct facts to make a convincing argument.

Talk to the reporter

Call the reporter to discuss the story. Politely point out the inaccuracies. The reporter may correct the information in subsequent articles or broadcasts. A cor-reection may even be printed or broadcast often under the rubric of a clarification.

Talk to the editor

If you don’t get satidfaction from the reporter and the complaint is a major one, you may wish to write a letter to the editor. Another solution is to form a delegation and ask to meet with the editor. Leaders of arts organizations in one city went to see the editor because the newspaper’s reviewer consistently ignored local productions and reviewed performances in a larger city 50 miles away. After the delegation met with the editor and showed a scrapbook of reviews over a six-month period, the reviewer was ordered to pay more attention to local events.

Go public

Many companies take the offensive and make every effort to inform the public about «hatchet jobs» done by the press. One method is to purchase advertising space to rebut the allegations. Another method is to call a news conference.

File a lawsuit

This is a last resort, but it should be included in your list of options. If you feel that a medium has purposely and maliciously distorted the truth, the threat of legal action may prompt the offender to publish a correction or a retraction. A lawsuit also gets media coverage, which gives the company a chance to let the public know about the inaccuracies in the original story or broadcast.