Monocel / One of One
With the advent of new technologies, animation art has changed dramatically. Most animation is now done with the computer, so the only original production artwork available for the newer shows are the production drawings and concepts. As a reaction to…
Limited Edition Cels
Limited Edition Cels = A cel created especially for sale to the collector’s market, produced in fixed, limited quantities. Originally intended to re-create original production cels, some studios and artists now create completely new images based on non-production artwork. Although…
Animation Drawings
Animation drawing — Refers to an original, one-of-a-kind production drawings created by an animator from which the cels are later created. Анимационный рисунок — созданный аниматором оригинальный уникальный рабочий набросок, на основании которого впоследствии создаются селы. Animator Gag Drawings —…
Photostats were used in the process of making probably every cartoon. Photostats were made by the animators in the studio at the time of the film. The term photostat refers to the copying process which was used back then. In…
Edited pre-production background
Edited pre-production background = The production background does not appeear in the film because it was edited and removed from the final cut. Отредактированный предварительный фон = Производственный фон, который не появляется в итоговом фильме, потому что в процессе монтажа…
Production Cel и Production Background
A production cel with a production background where they are not matching from the same film or time period for a series. Or we have not been able to trace the piece in the cartoon to confirm if they match.…
Background Paintings
Background Paintings == A painting or other artwork depicting the environment in which the character operates. First, the Background Stylist made small color sketches called Key Backgrounds, which were created to establish the color scheme and mood. These keys acted as…
Master Background
Master Background: A production background created for use in the production of an animated film and not accompanied with a cel. Основной фон: производственный фон, созданный для использования в производстве анимационного фильма и не сопровождаемый селом. Другие термины классической анимации…
Master Set-Up
Master Set-Up — A production cel or cels are paired with a production background from the same film, but they do not appear together in the film at the same moment. Master Set-Up — производственный сел или несколько селов, наложенные…
Storyboard == A series of complex production drawings, each depicting a mini-scene, which are created while defining the storyline of the film. Sometimes found in sets or a number of them were done on complete pages. If very small, are often…