Media & Public Relations
Public relations people work with the media in many ways. They have to know how to prepare for press interviews, organize a news conference, conduct a media tour, and write such materials as fact sheets, press kits, and op-ed articles.…
PR Dependance on the Media
The purpose of public relations is to inform, shape opinions and attitudes, and motivate. This can be accomplished only if people receive messages constantly and consistently. The media, in all their variety, are cost-effective channels of communication in an information…
PR-People and Journalists
Отношения между специалистами по связям с общественностью (PR-специалисты) и средствами массовой информации основаны на взаимном сотрудничестве, доверии и уважении. К сожалению, это не всегда так. Ниже мы опишем некоторые участки взаимного трения. PR-специалисты и журналисты Чрезмерно назойливая реклама. Журналисты получают…
Sloppy Reporting
A last year survey found that 83 percent of the public relations directors thought that sloppiness on the part of reporters was the major reason for inaccurate stories. Reporters were also faulted for not doing their research before writing a…
Effective Media Relations
A good working relationship with the media is vital for a public relations writer. There will always be areas of friction and disagreement between public relations people and journalists, but that doesn’t mean that there can’t be a solid working…
Pitch Letters
To do their job, reporters and editors need a continual supply of news tips and background materials. Your role in public relations is to come up with ideas and sell them. On another level, background information so that reporters understand…
Media Advisories
They tell reporters and editors about upcoming events and story opportunities in a brief listing of journalism’s five W’s and one H — who, what, when, where, why, and how. The format uses short items instead of long paragraphs. A…
Papers for the Press
Position Papers A position paper is a statement of the organization’s stand on some public issue. An example might be the position of a public utility on nuclear power. Such a paper is an official document and is often prepared…
Meeting the Press
Press interviews, news conferences, media tours, and other kinds of gatherings provide excellent opportunities to communicate your message to a variety of audiences. They are more personal than just sending written materials and allow reporters to get direct answers from…
Scheduling a News Conference
The conference should be scheduled at a time that is convenient for the reporters that is, with an eye on the deadlines of the media represented. In general, mornings or early afternoons are best for both print and broadcast media.…